Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Music news:
David Archuletta and David Cook have released albums within the last two weeks. I have not heard either one of them sadly. I look forward to listening to them soon though. Congratulations to David Cook and David Archuletta. Oooh and Carrie Underwood for winning Female country artist of the year congratulations!

Youth Ministry:
As some of you know I am a youth leader in my church. Somedays it comes with great advantages and somedays it becomes a heartbreaking situation. A couple weeks ago I had a little disagreement with one of my teens. This isn't overly shocking afterall they are teenagers and do sometimes believe that the world should go exactly the way they want it to. Unfortunately for them these will also be the hardest years of their life as they figure out that it in fact does not. I love my teenagers I would do anything for them. Unfortunate for me I have made one of them very angry with me. I don't know how to remedy the situation. Usually things just blow over and she's over it within a week. This anger has lasted a bit longer. She is still coming to church thank God for that but my heart still breaks with the fact that she is angry with me. I never want my teens to have any angry feelings towards me. Yes I realize that it will happen and that there is only so much I can do about it but it still breaks my heart. I only wish that God would help her to realize that I didn't mean to upset her if I said anything that did. I have been assured that it will all pass over by other youth group leaders.

Gay Rights:
This is a topic I've been trying to deal with for a while now. I have a few male friends who are gay. I love them to death and wouldn't change them for anything except for the fact that they are in fact gay. God made Adam and Eve to complete each other. He strictly says in the bible that homosexuality is wrong. God destroyed Sadam and Gamora because of the sinfulness of the homosexual people. How can any Christian person decide one day that they are gay? I realize that there are some psychological reasons and maybe even somewhat genetic reasons that a person would decide that but a person who has grown up believing in God and reading His word knows that it is wrong in the eyes of God. Like I said I don't dislike the gays I love them just like everybody else. It is their lifestyle that I don't care for. God made us humans in the bodies we are in for a reason. He didn't create Adam and Steve and Eve and Amy. He created us specifically to be man and woman. That is how our reproductive system that God created works,thats how our bodies were made to complete each other. I hear people say that God created them gay. I don't agree with that at all. I don't think God would create people to be sinful. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God but I can not believe that God would create people to purposely live in the life of sin. I refuse to believe that God creates people to go to Hell for their life choices. God wouldn't be so vocal about homosexuality in the bible if he wanted things to be that way. Alright I'm done w/ this topic. Sorry to any of you whom may be offended by my writings.

In closing I would just like to say how life isn't always what u want it to be. You have to be the one who lives your life to the fullest and walk in the light of Christ. You have to make the decision to follow His will despite the struggles it might lead you through.