Sunday, October 11, 2009

Deep thoughts

What is the deal with endless pain and suffering? I don't believe that it was meant to be this way by any means whatsoever. I believe that God wants us to come to Him believing that He can and will take it away. As Christians we say that we are giving it all to God and yet sometimes we're really still holding on because He isn't working fast enough for us. God never said He was going to work on our time schedule but yet we still expect it. We have come to the age where everything is fast and easy. Then we look at our lives and wonder why its not the same way. I have just recently given up my youth leading duties to go and find something I need. Friendship. I have friends at the church I led youth at and I am eternally greatful for all their help and understanding in this rough patch in my life. There was nobody in my age group in that church making it somewhat hard to make any close friends that I could hang out with. You can only get so close to the youth that you are leading. Today I went Baptist. I've grown up Nazarene so it wasn't a big leap. There were things that I saw in that church that I recognized from when I was still in Illinois. It was a contemporary service so there were a lot of younger people and contemporary music. The sermon was really good the pastor was very open and honest about his short comings. He was very down to earth about everything he said. He is doing a sermon series on being stuck. As if you are being stuck in a rut. His sermon was very good. Because even being a Christian and feeling close to God we all get stuck and feel we can't get out. We start giving up hope that we will be able to get through it. There were 3 R's in his sermon today they were
1. Revelation: God will show up in places He's supposed to be so don't be surprised when He does. God is BIG enough for even your SMALLEST problem. If he can heal the blind, give hearing to those who can't hear and raise the dead he is powerful to heal whatever is ailing you.
2. Repentance: Try seeing things the way that God sees them. You'll see how tiny your problem really is. Be honest with yourself. Stop telling yourself that everything is ok and search for what you need to fix the problem.
3. Restoration: All the brokeness can be healed. God gave a sacrifice for us so that our sins would be wiped away. His sacrifice has freed us to begin anew and move on with our lives. God's power can give us the boost we need to move mountains. God will do anything it takes for us to be unstuck in our rut. He wants to save our lives because we are His children. He is the only one who can completely heal our broken hearts. He can heal those who experience loss, the ones who feel their marriages are over, He can heal the breaking marriage and glue it back together with a simple word. He says it it will be done. But as Christians we tend to believe that He's not there he doesn't care. No matter what he's done for us in the past when we are in the rut we feel He's left us behind. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will always be with us in the worst of times and the best of times. We just have to be open to what He has to say. We have to wait in His perfect timing.

My prayer right now is that the broken will be healed. The hurt will disappear and that God reigns supreme in every heart. May there be no need for broken hearts or pain. I pray that God will speak to the closed ears and hearts like only He can. May he erase the doubts and the fears so that we may all be happy and successful in everything we do. May we all be open minded and open hearted to the possibilities that he has waiting for us.

Mandisa sings a song called "He is with you" these are the lyrics to the song. I feel it fits with this post. It talks about His timing and His being there to get us through.

There's a time to live and a time to die theres a time to laugh and a time to cry
Theres a time for war and a time for peace theres a hand to hold in the worst of these

He is with you when your faith is dead and you can't even get out of bed or your husband doesn't kiss you anymore.He is with you when your babys gone and your house is still and your heart is stone and you cry God what you do that for? He is with you

Theres a time for yes and a time for no. Theres a time to be angry and a time to let it go.
Theres a time to run and a time to face it. There is love to see you through all of this

He is with you in the conference room, when the world is coming down on you, and your wife and kids don't know you anymore. He is with you in the ICU when the doctors don't know what to do
and it scares you to the core. He is with you.

We may weep for a time.
But Joy will come in the morning the morning light.

He is with you when your kids are grown when theres too much space and you feel alone
and you worry if you got it right or wrong
He is with you when you've given up on ever finding your true love someone who feels like home he is with you
when nothing else is left and you take your final breath
He is with you. He is with you

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