Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Have you ever noticed that very few people ever say the words Merry Christmas anymore? All buisnesses are being told they need to say Happy Holidays and spell x-mas instead of Christmas on their signs. I realize there are many different cultures in the melting pot of the United States but why must we change our beliefs that our country was based on to support those who migrated into our great country? There has been differnt cultures in our country for many years now. Why all the sudden is there such a rush to get Christ out of the Christmas season?

There is a rush to take Christ out of so much in this world. Our government is trying to take it out of our pledge. They want to remove God from our currency, pretty soon religious freedom will be removed from our country all together. We as a Christian based country need to stand for our rights to be Christians.

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