Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh For The love of being busy!

Things are gonna be crazy within the next few weeks! This coming weekend for my 26th birthday (ugh) I will be going to Disney World. Yes thats right 26th birthday is at Disney! I love Goofy and want to chill with him for a while on my birthday. So the best parents ever are taking me to Disney so I can see Goofy on my birthday. I would like to give a shout out to one of the most awesome nephews in the world who I just happen to share a birthday with! Happy Birthday (in a few days) Brian Jr! I love you!

The next weekend one of my bestest friends has invited me to Mississippi! So I will be wingin my way to Missippi to go to a rodeo and meet her family for the first time. I'm a bit nervous since I've never been to Mississippi before. A whole new land a whole new experience not to mention I've never been to a rodeo before! I will be leaving Feb 6 and be gone till the 9th!

The weekend after that I will be doing my 2nd youth service! I'm nervous and excited because yet again last minute plans are being made. I can not find my drama books that I used back in Illinois! I need my skit that I had my service based around! Not to mention my dear youth minister friend Randy who has done the skit with me is also looking for it! I hope I find it for both of our sake!

I will be doing a Spaghetti dinner on Feb. 20th at 6pm as a fundraiser for my wonderful youth group! I love my girls very much. They make life fascinating and busy! I can hardly wait for April when there will be 4 days full of sleeplessness for TNT!

The last weekend of February my Aunt Karen and Uncle Keith will be blessing us with their presence! I can't wait to see them. Who knows what will happen the weekend they are here!

As you can see things are going to be insane! I am determined to get some rest along the way though. Keep me and my youth group in your prayers as we are working hard to get $300/person to get to TNT @TNU!

Follow your dreams!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The holidays are over and the new year has begun. So many different people making different resolutions all over the world. Why do we make resolutions? What good are resolutions when most of us never even make it through the first week of keeping them? When making our new year resolutions we never think reasonably on how difficult it will be to actually keep our resolutions. If we did we probably would never make them. Why break another promise to ourselves? All though I feel quite strongly about resolutions I do have a few.

My first resolution of the new year is: To learn all that I can
Ok so I have been in school forever and I have decided that its just not for me. I will continue my education through other means. I am working with youth right now getting experience in my field. Let me tell you the experience is amazing! I never thought working with 5 teenage girls would be so complicated. It frightens me to think what would happen if God would have thrown me to the wolves of a big group right off the bat. Thank you God for knowing what I need a lot faster and better than I do.

My second resolution is the resolution of a lot of Americans: I want to lose weight!
Do not tell me that those who resolve to lose weight never do. I am very clear on the reality of my weight loss adventures. I also will be starting new medications that are supposed to help me lose some of the weight that one of my medications supposedly started helping me gain. *crosses my fingers* heres hoping! Now that I live in FL the idea of a walk outside with my dog Marty isn't quite so difficult to comprehend in the beginning of January! It is warm here and we can be outside and enjoy a nice walk through the neighborhood or go to a camp ground that my parents work at and walk it and talk to my friends that live over there. My dog doesn't like to go for long walks and neither do I but even a short walk everyday will help me make my way to a better me.

My third new years resolution is: To get a job
With the economy the way it is in many places it is difficult to find a job that will give a person exactly what they need. With the lack of a job and the lack of health insurance all my medical problems will be very difficult to deal with. Finding a job that will give me the time off that I need to continue working with my youth and give me health benefits is nearly impossible to find now adays. But I will keep looking. God will lead me to the place he wants me to be at this time in my life I have faith.

A lot of illness and struggles have started off the year 2009 for me. My best friends mother went into the hospital on New Years Eve, one of my teens fathers had surgery a few days after the new year began, I lost my health insurance, what a way to start a new year right? I am trying to not let all this frustration bother me. I am trying to stay a faithful believer in the miracles of God and let him deal with all the fear and anxiety I feel over all these different situations in my life. I know that God can heal the sick and wounded. I know that God can guide me to the perfect job. I know that God will not let me fall into a big pit where I won't be able to get myself out for years to come. He has worked many different miracles in my life in the past and I have faith that He will continue His blessings upon my life as He sees fit.

I hope all that read this will be inspired to hold on despite the struggles. I hope that at least one person can learn something new from the words that I have shared. Though it is a personal experience there is power in the strong loving hands of God that can bless even the most lost soul out there. If you don't have a church that you attend regularly find one. Church fellowship is a great encourager especially for the suffering. Just the few people who know about my situation that have been praying for me have lifted me up far beyond my expectations. They have been a great help to keeping me believing and keeping me looking forward to a future that shines brighter than the morning sun. If I keep trusting in God and believing that He can save me from all my pain and frustrations and believing that He can heal the sick and wounded, then He will continue to believe in me and answering my prayers in His perfect timing.

Happy New Year!