Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things that boggle the mind

Why is it that as Americans we have become so very acceptable to things that our ancestors before us never would have agreed to. For example, abortion. Back in the day when that kind of technology wasn't available they wouldn't have ever considered killing an unborn child. What made us feel that we could abort a child because it was an accident. A child is not an accident a child is a gift of God. I don't believe that there is really ever a reason to abort a baby. Partial birth abortions are cruel and unjust and anyone who would consider such a thing must be cold hearted. I don't mean to be cruel and judgemental because its not my job to judge the people of the world. It is only in my opinion that I feel so strongly. I don't believe that God would want someone to abort a baby that He had personally placed with that mother but who am I to know the mind of God? Just from reading His word that is what I get from His writings.

Another thing that I don't understand is why someone would choose to be a homosexual. I have many male friends who are gay. I love them all very much. I do not agree with their lifestyle but I still love them for who they are. They all know that I stand against their lifestyle. The point is I can still be their friend though I do not agree with them. Many people have shunned their friends for their choices to be homosexuals. They are the same person they just have a different view on who should be together in relationships. Instead of pushing them away for their choices I believe we should pull them closer and pray for them. The Bible being God's word can't state any clearer that homosexuality is wrong. God destroyed sadam and Gamora for its acts of homosexuality and prostitution. What makes us think that we now have the choice to live that life? Some studies show that homosexuality is not a choice. I'm sorry but that has never been proven. I've also heard the excuse that "God made me gay" I don't believe that to be true either considering His word states that it is wrong. Why would he create you to live the sinful life by anything other than your choosing?

These are just two of the many things I have had on my mind that the United States of America is dealing with right now. There are many more things I do not understand that I might post my thoughts on later. But until then pray for those you know that might be considering abortion or homosexuality. They need your prayers now more than ever. God wants us to reach the world. We can do that just by reaching the ones that are closest to us. If we reach the ones we love they will reach out to others. Lets start the dominoe affect for Jesus shall we?

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